Treatment Alternatives
People may join clinical trials for a variety of reasons. Some do it because previous treatments have not worked, while others do it because they have a medical problem that no other treatment seems to address. For either reason, clinical trials offer access to new treatments. Other trials are for healthy people to learn about new ways to prevent disease or to improve their overall health.
Improved Quality Of Life
Improving patient quality of life is a primary goal of clinical research. However, quality of life is not only determined by the level of a patient’s overall health but is also affected by the quality of the treatment itself. The EORTC Quality of Life in Cancer Clinical Trials Conference explored the latest progress in QOL research and PROs. PROs refer to clinical outcomes that are reported directly by patients through interviews or self-reports.
Reduced Side Effects
Clinical trials are conducted for testing new drugs to see if they cause any side effects. During the trials, participants are closely monitored, regularly tested, and asked questions about their overall health and well-being. Most people have heard of the Phase 1 trial that took place in 2006 at Northwick Park Hospital, where 6 healthy volunteers became extremely ill.
Increased Research Capacity
An increasing number of trials are being conducted at multiple sites, thereby creating more opportunities for researchers to build up their scholarly productivity. This, in turn, will help to reduce redundancy and improve the speed and productivity of new product development. The process also benefits patients and society.